Launched Advanced Algo Trading Features
Introduced several algo trading features to facilitate auto trading. , visit the Auto Strategy Page on the Trader Dashboard, and you can modify the already entered parameters, followed by clicking the ‘Start’ Button.
Sqr off Leg: Will exit the particular Leg according to specified TGT/SL/Trail TGT/Trail SL based on the selected Pts or %age.
Sqr off Strategy: If any one of the leg gets triggered with TGT or Stop Loss the entire strategy will close the positions.
Switch: There will be a separate INPUT for Target/StopLoss based on your Existing Strategy, and if any of them is triggered, then SWITCH Orders will be fired.
Shift: There will be an INPUT based on the UP/DOWN move in the Future Price, and if any of them is triggered, then SHIFT Orders will be fired.
Scalping : Based on the FuturePoints Up or Down Move, Define Instrument Type|Qtys|TGT|SL. The System will then automatically add or exit each leg.
Target Parameters : This allows you to define your Overall Profit Conditions with a Fixed Amount. Once the TGT is achieved, you may apply Trail Profit/Stop loss conditions and you can also lock your profit with the Trailing Option."