• 2024

  • Launch of 360algos: A Suite of Automated Bots


    Introducing 360algos, a suite of Automated Bots now launched.

  • Enhanced User Experience with Updated UI Interface


    The new UI interface has been redesigned with a focus on enhancing user experience. With a more intuitive layout and streamlined features, it offers a smoother, more user-friendly navigation. The update ensures that users can easily access tools and functions, improving overall efficiency and satisfaction. Whether you're a first-time user or a seasoned one, the new design aims to make every interaction more seamless and enjoyable.

  • "MANGAL KESHAV" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with MANGAL KESHAV. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “Broker Login” and click on the "MANGALKESHAV" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • Paper Trading for Algo Products


    Paper Trading in Algo Strategy Builder, Scalping and Technical Trading

  • Technical Trading Enhancements


    1. Added upto 5 Indicators for Entry & Exit, 2. Multi Legs strategies, 3. Legwise Target & Trailing feature.

  • Launching Automated Bots


    New Product Launch - Automated Bots

  • New feature Premium based entry


    New feature Premium based entry in Algo Strategy Builder

  • New Mobile App


    New and Improved Mobile Application released

  • 2023

  • "STOXBOX" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with STOXBOX. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “Broker Login” and click on the "STOXBOX" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • "BPWEALTH" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with BP WEALTH. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “Broker Login” and click on the "BPWEALTH" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • "TRADEPLUS" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with TRADEPLUS. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “Broker Login” and click on the "TRADEPLUS" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • "VARUN" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with VARUN. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “Broker Login” and click on the "VARUN" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • "ASTHATRADE" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with ASTHA TRADE. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “Broker Login” and click on the "ASTHATRADE" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • "ESPRESSO" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with ESPRESSO. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “Broker Login” and click on the "ESPRESSO" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • "EXCEL" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with EXCEL. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "EXCEL" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • "NUVAMA" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with NUVAMA. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "NUVAMA" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • "SHAREKHAN" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with SHAREKHAN. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "SHAREKHAN" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • "9 STAR" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with 9 STAR. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "9 STAR" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • "RELITRADE" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with RELITRADE. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "RELITRADE" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • Scalping Product Upgraded


    Scalping Product upgraded with new features. Check the below link for more details https://modernalgos.com/scalping_guide/scalping_guide.html

  • "PROSTOCKS" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with PROSTOCKS. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "PROSTOCKS" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • "ACHINTYA" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with ACHINTYA. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "ACHINTYA" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • Technical Trading


    Automate your strategies based on Technical on Trading View charts

  • "MOTILAL OSWAL" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with MOTILAL OSWAL. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "MOTILAL OSWAL" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • "COMPOSITEDGE" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with COMPOSITEDGE. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "COMPOSITEDGE" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • 2022

  • Partnership with Bigul


    Partnered with Bigul to provide free access to all users.

  • "FLATTRADE" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with FLATTRADE. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "FLATTRADE" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • "Suresh Rathi" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Suresh Rathi. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "Suresh Rathi" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • "Arihant Capital" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Arihant Capital. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "Arihant" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform



    Automate your strategies using Technical Indicators, Trailing, Re-Entry, and Adj Parameters under one umbrella

  • "Finvasia" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Finvasia. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "Finvasia" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • Partnership with Raghunandan Money


    Partnered with RMoney to provide free access to all the users.

  • "CIL Securities Ltd." Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with CIL Securities. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "CIL Securities" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • "Kunvarji" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Kunvarji. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "Kunvarji" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • "Raghunandan Money" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with RMoney. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "RMoney" icon, you will be redirected to the RMoney Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • Launched "Stock Of The Month"


    Stock of the Month under all the three categories: Large, Mid and Small Cap.

  • Partnership with Choice


    Partnered with Choice Equity Broking Pvt Ltd to provide free access to all the users.

  • Scalping: Continuous Buy/Sell


    Place continuous Buy/Sell orders based on the market range. For example: if you opt for continuous buy/sell for 20 points, Algo will trigger buy and sell orders everytime the market hits with 20 points

  • Paper Trading


    Build your strategies and trade them virtually to understand and analyse market

  • "5Paisa" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with 5Paisa. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “LOG IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "5Paisa" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform



    It allows you to do based on Spot Price Move - simply enter your UP/DOWN values and Select the Instrument Type with the Predefined TGT/SL. If you do not ENTER SL value then only TGT basis it will Exit the Positions.

  • Introductory Plan


    New Introductory plan for Equity and Mutual Fund Investors at Just Rs.99/- per Month

  • Product Page


    Redefined the product page for easy usability to users.

  • "Dhan" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Dhan. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "Dhan" icon, you will be redirected to the Dhan Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • "TradeSmart" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with TradeSmart. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "TradeSmart" icon, you will be redirected to the TradeSmart Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • Easy Sign Up


    Eased the process of Registration, users can now register using just the Mobile No.

  • "Kotak Securities" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Kotak Securities. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "Kotak" icon, you will be redirected to the Kotak Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • Auto Trade functions for BNR Securities Ltd.


    Integrated Auto Trade functions for BNR Securities Ltd.

  • "Paytm" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Paytm Money Ltd. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "Paytm" icon, you will be redirected to the Paytm Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • "Choice" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Choice Broking. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "Choice" icon, you will be redirected to the Choice Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • Launched Advanced Algo Trading Features


    Introduced several algo trading features to facilitate auto trading. , visit the Auto Strategy Page on the Trader Dashboard, and you can modify the already entered parameters, followed by clicking the ‘Start’ Button.

    Sqr off Leg: Will exit the particular Leg according to specified TGT/SL/Trail TGT/Trail SL based on the selected Pts or %age.
    Sqr off Strategy: If any one of the leg gets triggered with TGT or Stop Loss the entire strategy will close the positions.
    Switch: There will be a separate INPUT for Target/StopLoss based on your Existing Strategy, and if any of them is triggered, then SWITCH Orders will be fired.
    Shift: There will be an INPUT based on the UP/DOWN move in the Future Price, and if any of them is triggered, then SHIFT Orders will be fired.
    Scalping : Based on the FuturePoints Up or Down Move, Define Instrument Type|Qtys|TGT|SL. The System will then automatically add or exit each leg.
    Target Parameters : This allows you to define your Overall Profit Conditions with a Fixed Amount. Once the TGT is achieved, you may apply Trail Profit/Stop loss conditions and you can also lock your profit with the Trailing Option."

  • "Indira" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Indira. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "Indira" icon, you will be redirected to the Indira Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • "PL India" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with PL India. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "PL India" icon, you will be redirected to the PL India Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • "Upstox" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Upstox. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH BROKER” click on the "Upstox" icon, you will be redirected to the Upstox Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • Mutual Fund and Goal Based Baskets


    Launched Mutual Fund Baskets and Goal Based Baskets with advance algorithms to filter best funds.

  • 2021

  • "Acumen" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Acumen. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH YOUR BROKER” click on the "Acumen" icon, you will be redirected to the Acumen Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • "HEM Securities" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with HEM Securities. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH YOUR BROKER” click on the "HEM Securities" icon, you will be redirected to the HEM Securities Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • Revamped Strategy Builder Page


    Check out our new Strategy Builder page, many new features and details have been added in order to help you to make an in depth analysis of your strategies. To name a few, Auto deploy functionality, Trend Analyser, Option chain and many more

  • Free Trial Users


    Want a free Trial of our platform, just login through your broker credentials or directly register on our platform. Once you come on our products page you will be able to view the products which are accessable during your free trial period

  • New Option Chain Analytics


    Check out our new Option Chain Analytics, providing you further detailed insights at various Strike Prices and aiding you in analyzing your strategies

  • Subscription Details


    Get to know all the various products and features which can be availed after subscribing to our platform under the Subscription Page

  • New Tutorial Video on Active Portfolio


    Tutorial video on our new feature "Active Portfolio" has been added. To know about this feature in detail, watch our Tutorial Video, which explains this feature step by step

  • New Features in Market Watch


    Check out our new Market Watch features, providing you various predefined watchlists with filters along with creating your own customized watchlist. Showing all the important details of the stocks at one place. Additionally allowing you to arrange and sort them as you like and further allowing you to directly trade them in the Live Market

  • Introduction Video in Hindi


    For your convenience the Introduction Video of our Platform is now available in Hindi, helping you to know about the Modern Algos Platform in detail

  • Email ID and Mobile No updation


    Updating your Email ID and Mobile No. is mandatory. If not done, the same can be done under Profile and also you will receive a notification upon login to update the missing details

  • Introduction Video


    Get to know the Modern Algos Platform in detail. Your questions about how it works, what are the products offered, how to use the platform for free, what is the minimum investment required, what is the accuracy, how to track your investments and many more questions, all are answered

  • Account verification through Mobile Number


    While registering as a new user, now you can verify your account through verification code sent on your mobile number as well

  • Stock Picks


    Single page designed with Weekly Portfolio, Active Portfolio, Stock of the Month, Equity Baskets and Create an Algo Portfolio for easy access. Further showing the Top Performing Equity Baskets and the Stock Picks Performance

  • Active Portfolio


    With our new feature "Active Portfolio", start your short term Equity Investment Journey by investing in the Out Performing Stocks. Providing Stock suggestions for a holding period of Trailing SL Trigger

  • Market Watch


    New tool "Market Watch" launched on our platform, enabling you to monitor the prices of various stocks at one place

  • Redefined the ModernAlgos Home Page


    The Home Page of our platform has been redefined, providing you important insights and easy access to our platform

  • WhatsApp chat implemented for user interaction


    If you have any queries related to any of our product or services, now you can just message us on WhatsApp and we will instantly respond to your queries

  • "AliceBlue" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with AliceBlue. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH YOUR BROKER” click on the "AliceBlue" icon, you will be redirected to the AliceBlue Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • Tradeability Enhancements in Intraday Picks


    New features like Auto Trade All, Stop Auto Trade, Square Off All, Overall PL/SL and Mod Qty added under Intraday Picks, enabling you to trade smoothly with your broker

  • Zerodha - Auto Trade Functionality


    Auto Trade Functionality implemented for Zerodha users. Now you can automatically trade through our platform without any manual intervention. You just need to enable ModernAlgos Trading APIs to interact with the Zerodha Platform. The steps to be followed for configuring Zerodha at ModernAlgos has been mentioned in the following link - https://modernalgos.com/portfolio/configure-zerodha.aspx

  • "AngelOne" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Angel Broking Platform. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH YOUR BROKER” click on the "AngelOne" icon, you will be redirected to the AngelOne Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • New Tutorial Video on Weekly Portfolio


    Tutorial video on our new feature "Weekly Portfolio" has been added. To know about this feature in detail, watch our Tutorial Video, which explains this feature step by step

  • MF Switch Notification


    In your existing Mutual Fund baskets, whenever its time to switch your funds you will be notified through an email mentioning the details of the changes suggested in your basket and the respective steps to be followed

  • Exit Baskets - Complete or Partial


    In the Equity Baskets, there is no lock in period for any investments, allowing you to exit whenever you wish. Under Equity Dashboard, you can exit from any of your Live Basket's just by selecting a basket and clicking on ‘Exit Basket’. You have the option to exit from the basket completely or partially, wherein you can just enter the desired amount and automatically the system will calculate the stock quantities and execute it in the market

  • Market Ticker


    View the Live Prices of various markets on our platform. Like Nifty, Gold, USDINR, etc.

  • "Add Investment" functionality in existing baskets


    Under Equity Dashboard, while viewing any Live Basket's details and performance, you can now easily make an additional investment in the same basket with One Click. Just choose any existing basket, click on "Add Investment" and confirm your amount. The same will be executed in the Live Market

  • Discussion Board implemented for user interaction


    If you have any questions/issues/feedbacks related to our platform, just post it on the Discussion Board and you will receive a revert straight away. Also once it is answered, you will be notified through mail

  • Testimonials


    Share your feedbacks about the platform. Let people know how was your journey so far and what fascinated you most about our platform and services

  • Zerodha Users - Rebalancing Option


    Rebalancing Option under Equity Dashboard implemented for Zerodha users. Certain settings need to be configured with your Zerodha Account to effortlessly complete the rebalancing of your Equity Baskets

  • Went Live on ODIN Connector


    ModernAlgos in now live on ODIN Connector, providing you the feasibility to access our platform

  • "Northeast" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Northeast. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH YOUR BROKER” click on the "Northeast" icon, you will be redirected to the Northeast Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform

  • Viewing Multiple Baskets in a single view


    New Functionality added under Equity Dashboard. Now you can view the complete details and performance of multiple baskets of the same category in a single page

  • Help Center


    Launched our "Help Center" which will help you in all your queries, like learn about our new features, understand in detail about all our products and instantly find answers to commonly asked questions

  • Weekly Portfolio


    With our new feature "Weekly Portfolio", start your short term Equity Investment Journey by investing in the Out Performing Stocks. Providing Stock suggestions for a holding period of 5 days

  • Exited Equity Baskets


    Under Equity Dashboard, you can view the complete details of the equity baskets from which you have exited, under the "Exited Baskets" tab

  • Dividend Declared


    Under Equity Dashboard, you can view the Dividend Received by the stocks held in your Baskets

  • Rebalancing Features


    Added new periodicity of 1 month for Rebalancing Equity Baskets

  • WEB and SMS Notifications


    If you would like to receive notifications for our Intraday Picks, Alerts and Strategy Picks, you can enable the required notifications under "Profile" and receive them over web and sms

  • Rebalancing Features


    In Equity Baskets, rebalancing is done at closest fraction to the sell value and the difference between the buy value and sell value will be displayed as Residual Value

  • Download Excel or PDF


    Save the list of stocks and other details of a basket easily with our download functionality under Equity Baskets and Equity Dashboard

  • New Tutorial Videos


    Tutorial Videos on new features of Modern Algos have been added. New videos on "Rebalancing in Equity Basket" and "Create an Algo Portfolio". To know about these features in detail, watch our Tutorial Videos, explaining these features step by step .

  • "Zebu" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Zebu. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH YOUR BROKER” click on the "Zebu" icon, you will be redirected to the Zebu Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • Create an Algo Portfolio


    With our new feature "Create an Algo Portfolio", we shall help you to maximize returns with the required diversification in Equity Baskets; based on the Time Period Selection. Just Login with your Broker Credentials and automatically the suggested Algo Portfolio will be ready for execution in the Live Market.

  • Rebalancing Your Basket


    Auto Rebalancing enabled with the alerts to your registered email id and on the Rebalancing Date - Button will be enabled, on the click of the same, your basket will be rebalanced.

  • FAQ's


    Have any questions about Modern Algos Platform, check out our FAQ's to find all the answers.

  • "Duck By Jainam" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Duck By Jainam. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH YOUR BROKER” click on the "Duck By Jainam" icon, you will be redirected to the Duck by Jainam Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • "Rudra" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Rudra Shares. You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH YOUR BROKER” click on the "Rudra Shares" icon, you will be redirected to the Rudra Shares Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • Tutorial Videos


    Covering all the Products, Services and Features of ModernAlgos, spend 15-20 mins to get to know about ModernAlgos platform.

  • Zerodha Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with Zerodha. You can directly login with your Zerodha credentials and access all the products. Just click on “SIGN IN” and under “LOGIN WITH YOUR BROKER” click on the Zerodha icon, you will be redirected to the Zerodha Login page. Enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • Upload your Portfolio with "My Portfolio"


    Introduced My Portfolio to track the existing Equity Investment, not done through ModernAlgos with Upload or Add Stock option, enabling the user to track all his Equity Investment at one place.

  • "FYERS" Broker Integration


    Modern Algos Platform is now integrated with "FYERS". You can directly login with your broker credentials and access all the products. Just click on “Broker Login” and click on the "FYERS"" icon and enter your login details and proceed, you will be able to access the platform.

  • Trader Dashboard


    One Stop Tracking of all your trades through the Trader Dashboard, showing Order Status, Net Position and Auto Strategy details through Broker Order and Positions APIs, help the user to track his position and even take various actions from the Trader Dashboard.

  • "Trade All Signals" Functionality


    In Intraday Picks - introduced an automatic Trade All Option for Indices, Equity and Futures Segment

  • "Auto Trade" for Option Strategies


    Powered the Option Strategist to Create their OWN Strategy or take up any published Strategy on ModernAlgos and input their Spread Value, Profit and Loss and then let it run automatically.

  • "Trade" button Functionality


    Integrated other ModernAlgos Products like Scanners, Alerts , Strategy Picks, Strategy Algorithms with the Trade functionality.

  • Live Baskets and Saved Baskets


    Under Equity Dashboard, Live Baskets and Saved Baskets segregation along with multiple baskets creation option for tracking at one go.

  • "Trade" button Functionality


    On the Platform, "Trade" button functionality is implemented, user can directly Place Order with their broker for Intraday Picks, Scanner Wizard and Strategy Builder. For example, under Intraday Picks, for executing a recommendation, just click on "Trade" in the Action column. Confirm the same by clicking on "Place Order" and Order will get successfully submitted to the Broker. You may also modify the quantity at the time of Placing the Order.

  • Started Paid Subscription


    Paid Subscriptions is implemented for using the Products and Services of Modern Algos.

  • Launched Beta Version


    Modern Algos Platform's beta version is launched providing a One Stop Automated Platform to meet all the Investing and Trading needs of users.